Your voice deserves to be heard.
At work. In the world. Everywhere.
But as women, we’ve been socialized to be pleasant at all costs. We’re constantly steeped in messages to shrink ourselves and take up less space. We spend an exorbitant amount of energy navigating the Bitch Stigma, the unspoken expectation to be confident, outspoken, and independent while not crossing over the constantly shifting line into “bitch” territory.
But here’s the truth about what’s good for your career and your life
(and it’s contrary to nearly everything we’ve been taught):

Speak up.
Advocate on your own behalf. Brazenly be exactly who you are.
Holding back serves no one - especially not you. Success in any sphere, personal or professional, means articulating and advocating for your vision and for yourself.
- You need to show up, speak up, use your voice, be brave, lead, create.
- You need serious communication skills.
- You need serious resilience skills.
- And you need epic levels of confidence that stays true to your own style.
I teach you how to stop letting others define you, to fiercely set and enforce your boundaries, and to find more freedom to express yourself.
Old ways don’t open new doors.
- Are you ready for an innovative, unexpected approach to help you become who you want to be?
- Are you ready to throw out the rule book and liberate the full badass you truly are?
- Are you ready to push outside of your comfort zone and be unstoppable?
One-on-one coaching is an opportunity for totally customized attention to help you overcome obstacles, create a new vision for your life, and take action to bring that vision to reality.
Let’s face it, our life experiences are as individual as our fingerprints. You want solutions that are tailored to your needs.
One-on-one sessions give you exactly that.

Let's work together
This single session can be done in one- or two-hour blocks and is intended to address a single obstacle or specific event/relationship (like boosting confidence before a job review or strategizing for a difficult conversation).
We’ll brainstorm, figure out what you want, and then identify your next moves.
So you can take action.
Investment for a single session - $250 per hour