No matter who I’m talking to, or where we’re talking, when I mention the “bitch stigma”, woman’s eyes light up in recognition. Doctors, waitresses, project managers, entrepreneurs…no matter what a woman’s chosen profession is, she’s likely run into this invisible yet potentially crippling issue. Being accused of “bitch” status, is a fear many women struggle with, which keeps them from speaking up and taking up space. According to…
Being called a “bitch” is one of the most frequent gendered insults a woman is likely to hear during her life. Women are usually called a “bitch” when they’re asserting their own opinion, boundaries or needs. When I was in my early 20’s I found an apartment on Craigslist that had 3 other roommates. One of the rooms had a high turnover, a young guy had moved in…
Being a dominatrix gave me an incredible opportunity to practice the clear communication we’ve been talking about. It was my job to use decisive language and to turn everything into a command. With my clients, it wouldn’t be appropriate to request or ask for things. There needed to be an element of demand in every interaction. But that doesn’t mean that I was rude or loud or acted…
Here’s an easy step-by-step guide to purchasing your discounted Launch Team copy of Ditch the Bitch Stigma: Embrace Your Inner Badass and leaving a review on Amazon. If you’ve already written your review, scroll down the page for directions on how to post it on Amazon. Tips for Writing a Review Quickly and Easily: Remember, you don’t have to read every word of this book in order to…
One of the main messages I’ve taught women for years in the kink space is that erotic dominance can take many styles and forms. So many women start out by thinking that dominance always has to look like an angry, leather-clad woman showing nothing but disdain for her partner. But that’s just one archetype to explore and only if it’s attractive to you. In fact, there are so…
The bitch stigma book
Women are socialized from a young age to be many things: agreeable, soft, nurturing, and encouraging. Above all, at all costs, we're taught to avoid being labelled a bitch. But we live in a society where any display of confidence--from communicating directly to setting boundaries to simply pursuing our ambitions--can get us thrown into that dreaded category.
Whether you've already embraced your inner badass but could use an extra nudge to keep standing tall, or you're just starting to search for your confidence, Ditch the Bitch Stigma is for women who've had enough, who are done with always catering to others, putting ourselves second, and sacrificing our own needs and desires.