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What’s the Bitch Stigma and How is it Impacting You?

May 29, 2018

The Bitch Stigma (which I’ll sometimes refer to as BS because, let’s face it, that’s what it is) refers to the very real fear of the equally real potential consequences women can face simply for being assertive. Any time a woman tries to assert herself, assert her boundaries, assert her authority, or assert her self-respect, she risks being labeled bitchy, bossy, or domineering. These risks drive the Bitch…

First Ever ‘Ditch the Bitch Stigma’ Meetup a Success!

March 26, 2016

Our first meeting was a success! Eight women, including myself, met up and offered each other support, affirmation and practical strategies to fight sexism. The hour seriously flew by! It never ceases to amaze me the kind of energy that can be created when a group of powerful women connect and how quickly those connections can be made. The conversation flowed easily and we moved from introductions to…

The bitch stigma book

Women are socialized from a young age to be many things: agreeable, soft, nurturing, and encouraging. Above all, at all costs, we're taught to avoid being labelled a bitch. But we live in a society where any display of confidence--from communicating directly to setting boundaries to simply pursuing our ambitions--can get us thrown into that dreaded category.

Whether you've already embraced your inner badass but could use an extra nudge to keep standing tall, or you're just starting to search for your confidence, Ditch the Bitch Stigma is for women who've had enough, who are done with always catering to others, putting ourselves second, and sacrificing our own needs and desires.

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